oh my goodness, it's been hectic around here. we've been packing and packing and packing and cleaning and keeping up with a spirited baby boy (who throws up way more than any kid should) and trying to get over colds and getting really excited for our NEW HOME...well duplex, but who cares!
we're getting out of tha hood! although, the hood has grown on us a bit and gus and i definitely fit in here with our no pants policy. we move tomorrow and it'll be exciting. i'm bribing people with honey cream donuts and ice cold water to help us move and it seems to be working. boys love treats.
all in all, moving totally blows but it's so exciting to think about what the future holds in our new little home. we can't wait.
oh and did i mention we no longer have to walk through gus's room to get to the bathroom. bonus!