Thursday, November 7, 2013

baby june + grandpa mike.


Our Gussy is two!

At two he's...

Obsessed with trains and trucks. In Gus's perfect world, he could watch youtube train videos all day long.

Likes the movies Cars and Tangled.

Loves to entertain. This kid is full of material.

Says ball, truck, choo choo, oh no, June, mama, dad, milk, book, whoa, yes, no, poop (what is it with boys and poop?), pee, wet, wash, up, what's this, yes please, thank you

Is seriously a hoot.

josh turns 31.

Josh is the big 3-1. I love being married to him. No one makes me feel more comfortable and loved than he does. He's smart and funny and quirky and cute. Josh for president!

june's blessing day.

Junie was blessed in church in August and it was so wonderful to have my dad and Brynn in town for her special day.  June has blessed our family so much in the short time she's been with us. She is so sweet and happy and she makes our home a better place. We're all big fans of June around here.

summer + halloween.

Halloween was really adorable with our little fox and puppy. Gus loved trunk or treating with his friend Aubrey and I'm loving using his candy as bribery.

Look at that girl....I mean, come on.

June is rolling from her back to tummy but not her tummy to back much these days. She loves sitting up and playing with whatever Gus is playing lots of trains and trucks.

I love watching these two bathe together. I always loved getting to take baths and showers with my sisters and cousins growing up.


We are orchard addicts. We picked fruit all summer long and it made me so happy.

June pretty much solely travels by bjorn.  Josh and I fight over who gets to carry her.

Our little June bug is 6 months old. What!? 

Monday, July 1, 2013

gus & june.

these past two weeks we've been potty training gus so we've been insde a lot. it's hard work potty training a 20 month old but it's so rewarding watching him use the potty and prance around in his big boy undies. thankfully, i have lots of moms i can vent to and get great advice from and june has been the best sport during this whole ordeal. that girl is a dream.

way to use the potty, gus!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

6 weeks.

our best gal pal is 6 weeks old! june seriously is the coolest. she rarely cries, enjoys sleeping (during the day), puts up with all of gus's hugs (chokeholds), and just makes our home a sweeter place. we love you juney.

Monday, April 29, 2013

june elizabeth trueblood.

born april 18, 2013
5 lbs 15 oz
18 in.

the SWEETEST baby girl in all the world. we are so in love.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

i better catch up before i have another baby.

easter was really good/really rough. gus cried before church when i closed his finger in the door, which made for some really frame-worthy pics.

then, during church gus and i had a joint meltdown in the hall. needless to say, we left after sacrament. i seriously looked down at my 8 month baby bump and thought "what in the world did i get myself into." luckily after a really delicious ham dinner and a really long nap from gus i was feeling muuuch better.

gus loves water. i love gus.

oh, here's a cute pic of my parents going on a valentines date. gus and i were in ohio while josh was traveling for work. he's been gone a ton lately...just dont tell my neighbors. i'm too chubby to run from an intruder right now.

gus and his easter basket (which he saw me put together...really dropped the ball on that one).
gus and his yogurt. he really only wants to feed himself these days so baths are constant.

a little baby girl update:

i went to the dr. today and i'm dialated to a 1.5, so we're on baby watch around here. if she's anything like her brother, she could be here next weekend! woah. we love her so much already and can't wait to hold her and smooch her and smell her sweet baby smell all day long. too bad the no sleep thing comes with the cute newborn thing. am i right?

Friday, February 1, 2013


january was filled with anniversary celebrating, ikea furniture assembling, baby girl growing, and gus getting cuter and crazier by the second.

bring it on, february.