Saturday, October 16, 2010

i really wanna lose 3 lbs.

name that movie. k, so here's the deal, i really DO wanna lose some weight (see cookie binge post). i'm gonna try to lose three pounds in the next two weeks. totally doable, right? right. i've been working out recently but my eating hasn't been fantastic, so i'm gonna really concentrate on making homemade meals and eating wayyy less desserts. curse my fab baking skills. i'll let y'all know how it goes. anyone wanna join me? or have any great workout/ healthy eating tips? share!


Emily said...

I'll join you! My tip would just be to have as many fruits and veggies in the house as possible and use them every day. Also, rent workout dvds from the library to mix up your routine. I just rented a Jillian Michaels dvd and I'm excited to use it tonight. B said she was sore just looking at it. ha

Bree said...

MEAN GIRLS!! Member when we quoted that movie forever and ever on our facebooks? so i decided i'm a terrible friend and NEVER called is just insane but hopefully soon i'll have some free time and i'll be able to catch up with you! Good luck with the wedding plans :)