Thursday, April 28, 2011

i'm currently obsessed with...

the voice. such a good group of judges and so much fun! josh, brynn and i watchd it last night and we were all getting so into it. definitely a must see.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

guess what?!?

we're having a baby!!! baby trueblood is due november 3rd and we couldn't be more thrilled!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

one time a power line fell in our backyard and we had to evacuate...

currently, we're kickin it at the rents house which isn't a bad place to be. not at all.

i caught up on parenthood, used b's mascara (i forgot mine...ok, ok, i just wanted to use hers), and currently i'm watching food network. josh and i got rid of our cable in an effort to save more money. does it always feel like you're spending money? i swear, life is pricey. but you know what? it's all worth it. all those trips to the grocery store are worth it for delish homemade meals and healthy snacks. and all those trips to target are worth it for my sanity.

i really love my life. i love my husband. i love my family. and i love everything that's going on in our busy lives right now. it's exciting. even the power line stuff.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

summer suiting.

i love jcrew swimwear.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

first date.

ok, so this morning josh and i were talking about this weekend and what we were gonna do. tomorrow night, a kid from our ward has a choir concert at the high school right behind us, so josh and i are gonna go along with some other youth. i told josh that after the concert, we should hit up the bardstown rd qdoba. then, josh mentioned our first date there and i almost cried (i have a lot of feelings). so here's a little walk down memory lane.....

josh texted me the night before our date to invite me to this free concert in louisville at this art gallery/church (who comes up with these combinations... it's like taco bell/pizza hut. strange.) he said since his friend moved, i could be the replacement. i already really liked josh even though i didn't know him at all really, so i said yes and the next day he came and picked me up. we went to the place, looked at the art work, and checked out the free show. the band was really good and i sat really close to josh. hello, girls gotta make a move. as we were walking out of the show, i commented on how cute the homes were in the area and josh thought i was moving pretty fast. ha, i may have come on too strong. after the show, we went to this rinky dink "carnival" with suuuper sketchy rides and rode in one of them together (pretty sure it was meant for two 3rd grade girls). josh and i were crammed in there doing a million flips and laughing our panties off. i was sore the next day from laughing so hard. we had a good time. following our death trap ride, we hit up qdoba and i remember us touching arms when we were standing in line. i offered to pay, since he had payed for everything else (and i didn't know it was a date...i mean he said i was replacing his friend, dj). we ate and laughed and i knew i wanted to marry him. he took me home at like 1:30 in the morning and the next day i went to work at 6:30 am happy as a clam.

i sure do love josh and the amazing example he is to me. he treats me so well and he works so hard for our family. i'm so blessed to have found my perfect match in little 'ol new albany, indiana.

olive-cheese bread.


I made this delicious bread for dinner last night along with a fresh veggie salad and it was definitely a crowd pleaser. it's cheesy, flavorful, and kinda tastes like a wick's veggie pizza without the sause. so good. make it for dinner tonight!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

hats off...

to this kid for graduating college! law school won't even know what hit it. i love you taylor and i can't wait to visit you soon!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

i did it.

i deleted my facebook. i just wasn't using it very much and when i was, i just didn't like the way it made me feel. so, i made the cut and i feel so much better!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

simple meals.

i love breakfast. and lunch. and dinner. i'm working on cooking more for our little family, and it's been exciting finding yummy recipes to make. my sweet sis, emily, definitely inspires me to cook more. i'm keeping my breakfasts and lunches simple and healthy. here are my current favorite breakfast and lunch ideas....

oatmeal w/ greek yogurt and brown sugar

chicken salad & spinach whole wheat wrap (i loooove chicken salad)

pb, banana & nutella toasted sandwich

simple and delicious. baby steps, people. be on the lookout for yummy dinners at the trueblood house.