Thursday, April 11, 2013

i better catch up before i have another baby.

easter was really good/really rough. gus cried before church when i closed his finger in the door, which made for some really frame-worthy pics.

then, during church gus and i had a joint meltdown in the hall. needless to say, we left after sacrament. i seriously looked down at my 8 month baby bump and thought "what in the world did i get myself into." luckily after a really delicious ham dinner and a really long nap from gus i was feeling muuuch better.

gus loves water. i love gus.

oh, here's a cute pic of my parents going on a valentines date. gus and i were in ohio while josh was traveling for work. he's been gone a ton lately...just dont tell my neighbors. i'm too chubby to run from an intruder right now.

gus and his easter basket (which he saw me put together...really dropped the ball on that one).
gus and his yogurt. he really only wants to feed himself these days so baths are constant.

a little baby girl update:

i went to the dr. today and i'm dialated to a 1.5, so we're on baby watch around here. if she's anything like her brother, she could be here next weekend! woah. we love her so much already and can't wait to hold her and smooch her and smell her sweet baby smell all day long. too bad the no sleep thing comes with the cute newborn thing. am i right?


Anonymous said...

Oh no! Poor Gus! :( church with a toddler is definitely difficult! I'm sure he enjoyed Easter anyways! And good luck with the baby watch, I'm sure that sweet little girl will be here in no time...:)

Kiley said...
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Kiley said...

Poor Gus! He totally pulls off the whole 'mad at mom' look though. It's unreal how much he looks like you - those Dalby genes are strong! I also can't believe you're getting so close to having that sweet baby girl! Y'all are such a cute little fam. I hope your delivery goes smooth and the adjustment period is easy for you all!

Devin and Bree said...

Can't wait to see baby girl! Good luck with delivery! Gus is just too cute. Y'all are such a cute fam!