Friday, March 26, 2010

today i looked like a drug addict....

oh why did i look like a crack whore?? maybe because i was laying next to the mailboxes in our stairwell wearing sweats, a tie-dyed t-shirt, and bandages wrapped around my bruised arms. yeah, maybe that's why.


you see i went and donated plasma this morning thinking "hey, i could use some extra cash for the weekend"...i wish i could have told myself "self, no amount of money is worth what you are about to experience." the plasma workers must have really had it out for me becuase they had to stick both of my arms due to the first arm getting all swollen from having my vein bruised, so by the time i walked out of that death-trap i could barely move either of my arms and i felt like i was gonna pass out. i was almost to my apartment when i felt like i was gonna hurl, so i rolled down my window and said a prayer that i would make it home without throwing up on myself. after i parked my car, i sat there for a while trying to muster up enough strength to get out and walk up the two flights of stairs to my apt. i made it up the first flight just barely before collapsing by the mailboxes. eventually i made it up the last flight of stairs and met the couch with open arms. thankfully my sweet roommates were there to give me water and food which made me feel a tits better. then i slept for 4 hours which is always enjoyable.


moral of the story: if you value your life, stay AWAY from plasma centers.


Emily said...

That's only happened to me once and just to one arm. You have small veins, Kay. They should have just told you no. Bruising from plasma hurts, this I know. But hey...wanna post a picture?? :)

For real though, want to?

OUR HOUSE said...

aaahhhh, the good old days as a poor college student giving plasma for a few extra bucks - good times.

Michael and Georgia said...

I'm so very sorry. Hope your feeling better, soon you will be home so no more plasma centers.

Bree said...

hahahaha kaylea i freaking miss you and can't wait for next weekend! I will love you always even if you do look like a crack whore :)

J & J said...

Hey Kaylea! This is Jenna, from just cook already. Just wanted to let you know that you WON the giveaway! How exciting! I'd love to send you the recipe book, so email us your address and we'll get it to you asap. I haven't heard from you, so I figured you might not have checked the blog. Sorry for stalking your personal blog, but I thought you'd want to know!

Congrats, friend!