Sunday, May 2, 2010

lemon juice.

k, so this one time at camp i put toothpaste on brynn's face while she was sleeping and when she woke up in the middle of the night she said, "my eyes are burning!" it was so funny and we still say that to this day even when are eyes are completely fine. well saturday at work some guy asked me to put lots of lemons in his sweet tea, and as i was putting his lemons in the cup, one squirted me right in the eye. i wanted to scream a stream of profanities, but instead i just cried and ran to the bathroom to rinse out my bloodshot eye. i def could've used one of those eye cleaning stations they always have in science classrooms. lemon juice to the eye was more painful than having my tonsils out and my mom says having your tonsils out is worse than giving birth so lemon juice in the eye is in fact more painful than giving birth. having a baby will be a piece of cake now.


Ashley said...

Bahaha! I remember that girls camp. Funny stuff!

OUR HOUSE said...

Oh man, I can NOT WAIT until you have a baby now!!! No rush though;)

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