Tuesday, April 10, 2012

gus update (gupdate).

our little snuggle bug is growing non stop. he has 1 tooth and another about to break through. the name "fussy gussy" gets thrown around a tits these days. teething is the pits...especially for me since i'm the one getting bit. gussy is eating rice cereal now! what the what? when did he become old enough to eat with a spoon? he's also sitting up on his own for short periods of time but has no interest in rolling from his belly to his back. he does, however, have an interest in rolling off the couch. it didn't seem to phase him much, but i'm gonna need therapy to get over that one. he's also laughing more and chatting up a storm. we love our gussy and the joy he brings into our little home.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Just you wait til he has 6 teeth and is crawling! Then you will really wonder where time went! They grow so fast! He is absolutely darling and looks a lot like his mama! Love you girl!