Sunday, September 11, 2011

my new fave dessert.

i eat some kind of treat cookies, cakes, ice cream, you name it, i eat it at least 7 times a week. i have a lot of respect for those "one dessert a week" people, but i have no desire to live that dark life.

a few weeks ago, on pinterest (my new obsession), i pinned this recipe for sopapilla cheesecake. it looked amazing, so my mom tested it out 2 weeks ago and then i tried it for the first time last week while i stayed with her in columbus. i wanted to eat the whole pan. instead, i practiced self control and only ate a third of it. go me. it tastes like cheesecake except that it only takes about 5 minutes to put together and 25 minutes to bake.

oh and yeah i just made another pan today. it's THAT good.


Anonymous said...

Holy cow! That does sound good! :) I'm a 7 times a week gal myself! Good choice!!

Casey and Katalyn Pickett said...

Kaylea, I'm pretty sure we're the same person...only you have a little more personality than I do...and we also have other differences I'm sure..

The point is, I also eat dessert every day. I'm glad you do too. And this looks delicious. :)