Monday, September 12, 2011

you is kind. you is smart. you is important.

i loved the book and the movie. great cast and powerful message.


tay and j said...

So i went to go rent this at our public library in gainesville.. Im number 215 on the reserve list (for the whole district).. I thought, why not. Call me in like 3 years? Dear Gainesville, could you purchase a few more copies of "The Help" so us poor people could indulge. thanks. BUT all I hear are fab things about it. I can't wait to see it! Was the book a lot like the movie?

Kaylea said...

aww that's terrible! my mom has the book i think, if you want to wait til christmas to read it. yeah they were super similar.

Emily said...

i can't wait to watch it. i'm so behind, but whatev. i'll watch it eventually, right?

Anonymous said...

Man, I've been wanting to see this! Can't wait, I'm glad to know it's good!!