Friday, October 14, 2011

37 weeks.

this is my view these days. josh and i were talking last night and he said, "remember when you didn't show for forever and you were upset about it?" i take back that crazy talk. these days, you can tell from a plane that i'm pregnant. weird how that happens...
(jammie pic because let's face it, it's my new uniform)

hello full term! i'm so antsy to meet this little one, but at the same time i'm so grateful for these last few weeks josh and i have together-just the two of us. most people wait a tits before they start makin babies, but that's just not how we roll. we're more like "hey, let's do everything at once and see if we survive!" and guess what?? we're doing awesome. pretty sure the Lord has blessed us a ton this past year. we've got a beautiful home (in da hood, but still), 2 working vehicles, a loving relationship, we're both healthy, and we have a baby boy on the way. does it get any better??


Anonymous said...

Crazy! Only three more weeks! He'll be here in no time!! :) And I totally understand the all-of-a-sudden-I'm-huge thing! Haha, it'll be over soon!

Jessica said...

names yet???

Kaylea said...

we're thinkin maybe asher....juuust messin.

judy said...

Kaylea, you guys are such a cute couple, love your big belly, the lord has truly blessed you two with so much, that little one will be so happy to see his mommy and daddy!