Tuesday, October 11, 2011

happy b-day mr. d.

today is my incredible dad's 53rd birthday, so i thought i'd give him a blog shout out...
my dad is so kind and loving. he is always telling us kids and my mom how much he loves us and he shows it too. he's answered desperate phone calls from me in the middle of business meetings and he never sounds annoyed. he knows just what to say to make the situation seem bearable and make me feel at ease.
he loves my mom and treats her with respect. i grew up knowing how a good man treats women, so i knew what to look for in a husband. josh is just like my dad. he never yells, calls me bad names or puts me down.
he loves to go out and do things. whenever josh and i visit my parents, they always have the best activities planned. even the small things seem super exciting with mike and georgia. they know how to have a good time.
he's the best dad. mike is seriously number one. i'm really blessed to have him in my life. i'm so glad he and my mom decided to have a fourth kid because i really wouldn't want anyone else to be my dad. he's been there for me through everything and he's never given up on me. he thinks i'm smart and capable and beautiful and fun. i wish everyone had mike as their dad!

happy birthday, mikey! thanks for all you do for me, josh, and our baby boy. we're so lucky to have you. also, thanks for putting together the stroller and baby bjourn. you made that baby carrier look goooood.


georgia said...

This is your dad...mom read me the blog. You are too nice. I just hope to be a good husband and dad. I'm so proud of you and Josh...great kids! I love you so much, Baby Harpseal!

georgia said...

You are such a great daughter, will be spending some quality time together soon, with a baby boy, oh my