Thursday, October 27, 2011

gus and gigi.

gus really hit the jackpot when it comes to grandmas. i mean, hello, he gets georgia. she loves on him all day long, swaddles him just right, and thinks every single thing he does is adorable. gus is a lucky boy.

and i'm a lucky girl to have georgia as my mom. she is so giving, so kind, so hilarious, so sexy, so sassy and such a good momma trainer. she taught me everything i know. thanks mom for all you do for us. i want to be just like you.

we love you gigi! can't wait to see you again soon!


Anonymous said...

So sweet! :) You're really lucky to have a grandma so close!! Enjoy it!! And your mom is definitely fantastic!

georgia said...

You are so sweet! The best mama. Now go lay down!!

Kiley said...

Kaylea he is sooo beautiful! I'm just so happy for you and so glad to see you and your sweet fam doing so great! Pleaseee post more pictures, I can't get enough! I love that y'all are calling your mom GiGi that is incredibly presh! Little Gus looks so much like your Dad, too - ahh what a cutie!!