Sunday, January 25, 2009

no one told you it was no pants week?

Top 10 reasons this weekend was fresh:
1. Tripple Feature Friday with the rommates {I loooove "The Wedding Date"}
2. Ice cream and The Office with Blaine....Bears.Beets.Battlestar Galactica.
3. Wedding dress shopping with some sweet kids.
4. Chick-Fil-A after wedding dress shopping.
5. I got my bangs trimmed...don't worry I didn't do them myself. I just got shivers thinkin of that awful cut.
6. Passed out flyers for FHE tomorrow while toning my glutes {I went up and down about 324534646 flights of stairs}.
7. Made amazing cookies with Em
8. Watched Hairspray..."I wish everyday was Negro Day!"
9. Celebrated no pants day with Ryan's apartment.
10. Didn't have to work at all! ahhhh. love it.

1 comment:

Emily said...

i can't even tell you how funny you are. especially with ryan's apartment in making them feel as awkward as possible. hahaha