Wednesday, March 4, 2009

no no no.

K, so being sick sucks for countless reasons. First off, due to my illness I can only breath through my mouth which leads to extremely chapped lips and no sleep. Honelstly, it's the pits. I loooove a good nights sleep. I'm the kid that went to bed at 8:30 pm every night untill I was like seriously. Last night I took Niquil...isn't that stuff supposed to knock you out??? Well, it did nothing to me. Awesome. Mostly I hate being sick because it makes my voice so manly that the only song I can sing well is "Rehab" by Amy "hott mess" Winehouse. I may or may not have listened to it on repeat today.

1 comment:

Stephanie Perkins said...

Girl I miss you where are you?! We need to play!